
That which leads to joy…

Delight in God cannot occur in an intellectual vacuum.  Our joy is the fruit of what we know and believe to be true of God.  Emotional heat such as joy, delight, and gladness of heart, apart from intellectual light (i.e. the knowledge of God) is useless… The experience of heaven’s inhabitants confirms that our knowledge of God (education) is the cause or grounds for our delight in him (exultation), which blossoms in the fruit of his praise and honor and glory (exaltation).

What this tells us is that the ultimate goal of theology isn’t knowledge, but worship.  If our learning and knowledge of God do not lead to joyful praise of God, we have failed.  We learn only that we might laud, which is to say that theology without doxology is idolatry.  The only theology worth studying is a theology that can be sung!  (Sam Storms, One Thing, page 82)

When one gets right down to it, the ultimate goal of all of life is worship… isn’t it?